Oakley Bowling Club
The Club is delighted to announce that it has received from the Four Lanes Trust a grant of £773.95 which has been used to purchase a new larger fridge freezer for the pavilion, The new appliance trebles our storage capacity which will improve the catering experience for the forthcoming and future seasons. .
The Four Lanes Trust was founded in 1974 by Christopher Makins, the second Baron Sherfield “ to support groups that bring improvement and richness to our life in the fields of education, the arts and social and community action.” The Trust awards grants to local groups within Basingstoke and Deane with ideas which will improve the lives of people within Basingstoke and the surrounding district. Oakley BC is enormously grateful to the Trust for its support.
Find Oakley Bowling Club
Oakley Bowling Club, Malshanger, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7EY